Robotics: How Near Field LiDAR AI Completely Changes Industrial Automation

Perception and safe navigation have always stood as paramount challenges in the conversation of robotics and their incorporation into daily life and the workforce. As the industry delves deeper into more complex environments, the need for advanced sensors and intelligent interpretation of data becomes imperative.

This is where the combination of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology and Artificial Intelligence(AI) come into play; a duo that promises to redefine the boundaries of robotic capabilities.

But how does this combination affect the field?

What is Near Field LiDAR?

LiDAR is a method used to determine distances by illuminating a target with laser light and measuring the reflected light with a sensor. Near field LiDAR is designed to work effectively over short distances, making it perfect for environments where precise measurements are crucial, such as in intricate robotic operations or proximity navigation.

The Power of AI Integration

Pairing LiDAR with AI creates a system where raw data is collected and understood. AI models can be trained to identify patterns, predict potential obstacles, and make real-time decisions based on the data procured from the LiDAR sensors.

This combination results in the following capabilities.

Enhanced Object Detection

Traditional LiDAR systems might identify obstacles, but with AI, there's an added intelligence layer. The system can discern between a rock, a human, or a moving vehicle. The ability to distinguish between different types of obstacles allows the system to adapt its actions accordingly.

Let’s take a vehicle, for example. If the technology identifies a stationary rock on the road, it may choose to steer around it.When it detects a pedestrian, it can slow down or stop to ensure safety. If it recognizes a moving vehicle, it can adjust its speed and trajectory to avoid a collision.

Real-time Decision Making

The rapid processing capabilities of AI mean that as soon as data is collected, it's also interpreted.

This level of immediacy is a game-changer for a multitude of applications. In industrial settings, for example, a robot can swiftly assess its surroundings, identify changes or obstacles, and respond with precise and timely actions.

Whether it's navigating a cluttered workspace, adjusting its trajectory, or interacting with human workers, the robot can do so with remarkable efficiency and safety.

Predictive Capabilities

With machine learning, the system can predict probable future movements of detected objects, allowing robots to plan their paths more effectively.

If, for example, it anticipates that a human worker will move in a certain direction, it can preemptively select an alternate route to avoid unnecessary delays.

LiDAR and AI Applications in Robotics

The integration of near field LiDAR and AI is revolutionizing how robots interact with their environment and perform complex tasks in various industries.

Industrial Automation

In factories and warehouses, robots equipped with near field LiDAR AI can navigate tight spaces with high precision, avoiding obstacles and ensuring the safety of human workers. These robots can quickly adapt to environmental changes, such as a sudden obstacle on the factory floor or a worker crossing their path.

Load Monitoring and Line Scanning

Near field LiDAR sensors are pivotal in load monitoring and line scanning in robotics. These sensors are capable of providing precise 3D data of objects and loads. This data is invaluable for robots engaged in tasks such as material handling, ensuring that loads are correctly positioned and balanced.

With AI algorithms, robots can monitor loads in real time, making immediate adjustments to maintain optimal load distribution. 

Obstacle Detection

Obstacle detection is a critical component of safe and efficient robotic operation. Near field LiDAR sensors equipped with AI can identify obstacles in a robot's path with high accuracy.  

This technology not only helps prevent collisions but also allows robots to adapt to dynamic environments by planning alternative routes or avoiding obstacles in real-time.

Collision Detection

The integration of near field LiDAR and AI enables robots to detect and respond to potential collisions with exceptional speed and precision. This is particularly valuable when robots work alongside humans orin densely populated environments.

By identifying potential collisions early, robots can halt or adjust their trajectories, mitigating safety risks.

Order Picking

In logistics and warehousing, the use of near field LiDARand AI for order picking is streamlining the process. These technologies enable robots to navigate through storage shelves, identify the correct items to pick, and handle them with precision.

The combination of LiDAR's spatial awareness and AI's object recognition capabilities enhances the efficiency of order fulfillment while minimizing errors.


Surgical robots can benefit immensely from this technology. The combination allows for better visualization and understanding of intricate human anatomy, ensuring procedures are performed with heightened accuracy and minimal risk.

Domestic Robots

From robotic vacuum cleaners to personal care robots, near field LiDAR ensures that these machines can navigate our homes without causing disruptions or accidents. They can differentiate between household objects, pets, and humans, ensuring smooth operations.

Autonomous Vehicles

While most self-driving cars use long-range LiDAR systems, near field LiDAR can be crucial for parking maneuvers, tight urban environments, or any situation that requires precise distance measurements.

Future Implications

The amalgamation of near field LiDAR and AI is not just a transient trend.

Implementing these technologies is a stepping stone to a future where robots understand and interact with their environment like humans do. As this technology becomes more refined, we can expect robots to handle more complex tasks, be more adaptive, and be more integrated into our daily lives.

Embrace Robotic Innovation With PreAct Technologies

Near field LiDAR and AI stand to change the robotics industry. By offering unparalleled precision, real-time processing, and intelligent decision-making, robots are on the cusp of a revolutionary leap in their capabilities, ensuring efficient coexistence with humans for beneficial workplace and home applications.

Dive into the extraordinary capabilities PreActTechnologies' cutting-edge, web-based computer vision platform has to offer.Our technologies offer user-friendly, intuitive tools that guide engineers —and even those without prior expertise in machine learning and image classification — through the entire process of building detection engines capable of recognizing human activities.

Get in touch with us today.

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